Channel: WORLD – Western Free Press

Another Jew-Hating Congresswoman from Minnesota

textured israeli flag

Criticism of any country, including Israel, is valid.  However, when ONE country is singled out for censure, boycotts, sanctions and divestment AND that country is the ONLY Jewish state in the world, this is Jew hatred.

Consider China’s imprisonment and organ-harvesting of Falun Gong followers and its inhumanity toward COVID-19 sufferers and appropriation of Tibet.  What about the Iranian subjugation and ethnic genocide in Syria?  How about the Turkish invasion and more than 40 year occupation of northern Cyprus?  Where is the outrage?  Where are the boycotts?

Years ago, Soviet refusenik, writer and Israeli politician, Natan Sharansky, devised a 3-D test to distinguish anti-Semitism from valid criticism.  He divined that when Israel is unfairly singled out using demonization, delegitimization and a double standard of judging its actions, this is Jew hatred.

Congresswoman Betty McCollum, a proponent of BDS, a project of Hamas, PIJ and PFLP, voted AGAINST the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act and referred to AIPAC as a “hate group.”

For a thorough exposé of the vile BDS movement, follow the link below to a report on the plan to delegitimize the State of Israel.

Janet Levy,
Los Angeles

P.S.  If you don’t think this has anything to do with you because you’re not Jewish, think again.  Witness the worldwide attacks against Christians and Christianity.  When the root of your faith is destroyed, where do you think that leaves you?  “First they came for the Jews and I did nothing because I wasn’t a Jew…”

Antisemite Of The Week: Betty McCollum – aka BDS Betty

Betty McCollum is a Democratic Congresswoman from Minnesota’s 4th District, a strong supporter of the antisemitic Boycott, Divestment, Sanction (BDS) movement, and a frequent critic of the State of Israel.

Betty McCollum, together with Ilhan Omar, the 2019 Antisemite of the Year, and Rashida Tlaib, are the extreme radicals in the Democratic Party who are pushing antisemitic and anti-Israel policies in Congress and down the throats of the American people . . . keep reading

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Holocaust-Themed Carnival Parade in Spain!


Seventy-five years after the Holocaust, a Europe still mired in Jew hatred, continues to disseminate blood libels, malign the Jewish State and advance the terrorist activities of Israel’s enemies.  Especially telling are the EU’s refusals to designate Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist entities and its support for anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanction campaigns. Further, the EU indirectly funds terrorist activities, refuses to examine the misdirection of its funds, assists in the building of illegal Arab-Palestinians communities within Israel’s boundaries and criticizes Israel’s defensive actions as “ethnic cleansing.

A recent survey of 16,000 citizens of 16 Europeans countries found that 1 in 5 believe that a secret Jewish cabal runs the world and that Jews exploit Holocaust victimhood.

Less than one week after Belgium held a parade featuring Orthodox Jews dressed as insects, Spain featured a Holocaust-themed carnival parade replete with Nazi guards, Jewish death camp inmates, a mock gas chamber and more.  Responding to charges of “trivializing the Holocaust,” town officials apologized and explained that their intent was to “commemorate” the victims of the Shoah.

Janet Levy,
Los Angeles

Top Spanish diplomat ‘horrified’ at Holocaust-themed carnival parade

Festival in Spanish town of Campo de Criptana featured figures dressed as Nazi guards, Jewish death camp inmates and children wearing yellow stars

MADRID, Spain — Spain’s foreign minister on Wednesday condemned a carnival parade featuring gun-toting Nazis and lines of dancing Jewish victims, a day after Israel’s ambassador expressed outrage over the spectacle.

The display, which also featured a parade float designed like a gas chamber, was the second such incident this week after a Belgian town earned a stiff rebuke from the European Commission . . . read more

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Academia.edu Allows Anti-Israel Distortions

red false stamp

The defensive wars won by Israel against four invading countries negate the accusation of occupation, but writers on Academia.edu are not required to support their indictments and inaccuracies. 

Academia.edu, based in Los Angeles, despite its authoritative name, can publish anything regardless of accuracy.  Amid the genuine material, there is to be found pseudo-scientific nonsense, opinion-based articles, and everything else in between.  The papers generally project a scholarly impression, and this is the danger, for there is much that is fabricated and unsupported by reliable documentation.

I had often considered refuting some of those formidable essays, particularly those that were also propagandist in nature, each time overwhelmed by the sheer extent of the distortion.  But one need not repudiate a writer’s entire concoction to verify that s(he) has engaged in broadcasting a personal opinion as proven fact.

An essay entitled Chronology of the Occupation Regime, 1967 –  2000, by Dr. Ariel Handel, is such a personally biased presentation.  It opens with the heading, “June 5,” followed by, “War breaks out between Israel, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. When it ends, Israel controls the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula.”  Within these two sentences, there are concepts sufficient to fuel the fires of Islamic frenzy and influence the average reader into assigning victimhood to the aggressor.

War breaks out.  Does Handel suggest a case of spontaneous combustion, such as a fire in dry season?  Are we to believe that the peaceful men of the four countries were all suddenly impelled to rise to battle at a given shared border?  Yet there is no commonly shared border with Israel. Syria lies to the north of Israel, Jordan to Israel’s east, and Egypt southwest, and all three Arab countries dwarf Israel considerably.  How could it be that they broke into war instantaneously and for what purpose?

The operation of the Arab countries was coordinated, and far from “breaking out,” this was a carefully planned “breaking in” – an invasion of Israel’s sovereignty on multiple fronts, for genocide of the Jews and a grab for their land.

The demographics gave the Arabs confidence.  Israel’s land mass is about 1/625 (1/6th of 1 percent) of the Arab world, home to six to seven million Jews compared to the 85-90 million Muslims of Egypt, 10 million Muslims of Jordan, and 16.5 million Muslims of Syria.  Why would Israel join in such an activity if they were not so programmed or mesmerized?  Unless, of course, the one was attacked by the other three, except there was also an unnamed fourth, Iraq, home to 39 million Muslims – Handel’s omission to imply more balance, perhaps.

If there was no common border, there were certainly common incentives and destination – Israel, the stick in the Muslim craw, the thorn in their side, the small sliver of land that caused 250,000 Muslims to erupt in fury and band together to form an army equipped with Soviet-supplied aircraft and tanks.  Egypt ominously and illegally blocked Israel’s access to international waters, expelling UN peace-keeping forces.   Then-defense minister Hafez al-Assad, who later became President of the Syrian Arab Republic, ordered his troops to “Strike the enemy’s settlements, turn them into dust and pave the Arab roads with the skulls of Jews. We are determined to saturate this earth with your (Israeli) blood, to throw you into the sea.”  This unpleasant quote didn’t suit Handel’s views and, thus, escaped his attention.

Between 1948 and 1967, during Egypt and Jordan’s 19-year occupation of Gaza and the West Bank (Judea-Samaria), there was no call for a Palestinian state to include these areas.  In fact, the PLO Covenant of 1964 stipulated, “The PLO does not exercise any regional sovereignty over the West Bank (Judea-Samaria) in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the Gaza Strip or the Himmah Area.”

The Arabs adopted the name Palestinians after the 1967 war, when Israel won its defensive war and gained land populated with a belligerent people over which it had no desire to govern.  Under the Rules of War, this was not occupation, but historically and under any de facto International Law, land for the conqueror to control or relinquish as largesse.  Yet each time Israeli governments attempted to negotiate a treaty according to the Land for Peace formula, the generous offer of 98% of what the Arabs demanded, including East Jerusalem, Israel was rebuffed.

Therefore, under International Law, Israel was forced to continue her presence in Gaza and the West Bank until the emergence of a suitable partner with whom they could negotiate an effective peace treaty.  To date, there has been nothing but obstinacy and, indeed, additional attacks against the Jewish state.  The Gazans continue their deadly violence against Israel, in defiance of the Rules of War, without uniforms, without regard for civilian citizens, and using their own children to ignite rocketry and incendiary balloons to detonate Israeli schools and school buses, and attack private citizens on the streets and in their homes.

Yet Handel, with counsel of professor of political science, Neve Gordon of Ben Gurion University of the Negev, and Dr. Shir Hever, economic researcher and journalist, now rue the Arabs’ loss of land.  The civilized world has Rules of War, effective since the nineteenth century.  Had Handel been capable of clear thinking, he would have recognized that it was the Arab aggressors, not the defending Israelis, who were guilty of war crimes.

Aggressors are those who commit crimes against peace, and who wage aggressive wars with disregard to territory or political independence of another state.  Those who violate the express terms of a peace settlement may be prosecuted as war criminals under the United Nations Charter.  Crimes committed against civilians because of their race, religion, and national origin, including genocide, are considered war crimes.  In fact, the only type of war recognized by the United Nations as lawful is one fought in self-defense.

Contrary to Handel’s position, Israel was forced to continue its presence in Gaza and the West Bank from 1967 – 1993 because no Palestinian had yet emerged as a peace partner to successfully negotiate and administer the Territories.  When Egypt and Jordan renounced their claims to the Gaza Strip and West Bank Territories in 1979 and 1988, Israel was left with the task of administration, unable to extricate itself from that duty.  Gaza is now an independent entity, ruled entirely by Hamas (a name that means “violence”).

The balance of Handel’s long diatribe was built on desert sand, accusations and arguments on behalf or in defense of a people that never existed, and who, to this day, have no tangible tie to the land they were unable to conquer by war.  These Egyptians, Iraqis, Jordanians, Syrians, and other Muslims who came first to work within the nascent state, but bound together in common enmity, called themselves Palestinians to fabricate a tie.

The author blamed the Israel Defense Forces for the manner in which they took “control and responsibility for maintenance of public order and safety,” and proceeded to cite some of the more than 2500 humane proclamations needed to communicate how peace would be restored and maintained by the Arabs who were to live harmoniously with Israelis.  Bear in mind that the Arabs were smoldering with resentment at their defeat and had not the slightest intention of living peaceably alongside Jews.

The first proclamation, June 1, was posted on Palestinian houses as the Israeli military forces advanced. It stated: “The Israel Defense Forces have today entered the area and taken control and responsibility for maintenance of public order and safety.” This proclamation and other orders that would be issued subsequently had already been drafted by the Judge Advocate General’s Office in the early 1960s as part of a legal framework for a future military government in Occupied Territory.

As a counterweight to Handel’s sham analysis of Israel’s past and present, the following facts should be more than sufficient.

The Jewish State of Israel has often brought prosperity and order wherever it has been permitted and so, under Israel’s authority, the West Bank and Gaza became the 4th fastest-growing economy in the world, with an 80 percent increase in income.  Israel increased millions of dollars in funding to improve refugee camps, allowed Arabs easier travel to Jerusalem, modernized Palestinian infrastructure, and created thousands of manufacturing plants.  It established seven universities, expanded schools, taught modern agriculture, set up medical programs and opened 100+ health clinics.  Israel instituted freedom of the press, of association and of religion with the first authentically Palestinian administration they had ever known.  Adult illiteracy dropped by 14 percent, unemployment plunged, life expectancy soared, and their population nearly doubled between 1967 and 1993.

These are the facts, Dr. Handel.  Were you unaware of them or did they not fit your narrative?

Palestinian life was undeniably improved under Israeli laws, but the Islamic leadership could not relinquish the very thing that brought them centuries of squalor: the rigidity of the Koranic dictates that they must never make peace with Jews and Christians.  Once Hamas and Hezbollah retook their charge, it was business as usual: the violence against Israelis, the redirection of international aid into their own pockets, and the subsequent degradation of their people.

The changes of name of Judea and Samaria to “West Bank” and of Israel to “Palestine” further underscore the ongoing Arab determination to sever the Jewish connection to their historic homeland.  These documented and indisputable facts appear to be unknown to some commentators, despite their claims to be serious investigators.

There also exists in the west an inexplicable, mindless ideology, albeit with good intentions, that supposes that Islam can come to terms with its own toxic 1400-year history and heritage and accept peace with both Israel and the rest of the world.  Accordingly, Jared Kushner, senior advisor to President Donald J. Trump, proposed an extensive, detailed offer for peace to the Palestinians with Israel.  True to form, Muslims/Palestinians have  denounced it once again.

Acknowledgement: Israel 101, produced by StandWithUs

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Coronavirus COVID-19 is Ill Wind


Serious illnesses such as serious viral infections are nothing to sneeze at (pun intended). Obviously, care must be taken to prevent infectious diseases from dangerously spreading. It is also important to make sure the reaction is appropriate based on facts and not driven by panic.

Sensible Precautions – Avoid Panic

For example, we typically do not shut down everything every year for influenza. It has been deadlier than COVID-19. Instead, we try to use vaccines, good hygiene, and reasonable caution to reduce our exposure.

With COVID-19, no vaccine is available, so extra precautions compared to influenza are called for to prevent the disease from spreading. If it can be isolated, it will not spread to too many people and may die out before too many people get infected. Many countries are implementing travel bans to infected areas or two week quarantines. Israel, for example, recently implemented a two week quarantine for anyone traveling there from anywhere outside the country. The United States prohibited direct flights between China and the United States early during the infection period with additional restrictions as more countries get infections such as the ban on travel from Europe. Australia has travel restrictions on anyone who has been to China or other infected areas recently. Many other countries have restrictions as well.

Keep in mind, though, that COVID-19 is particularly dangerous to people with compromised immune systems. This means people who are already sick or older are typically at the greatest risk of dying; other people are likely to recover without dangerous symptoms. This means that young adults not interacting with older people do not need to take the same level of precautions as those more at risk. Sensible risk assessment should be used to prevent the most serious risks while not shutting down the economy when risks are minimal.

Cruise Ship Experience

I have recent cruise ship travel experience that was impacted by COVID-19. The cruise ship company took extraordinary precautions to avoid any ports with even a hint of infection. This was to avoid safety issues for passengers and crew as well as keep the ship from being quarantined. Since cruise ships often have many older passengers aboard, extra caution is important and justified. Also, the close quarters of a ship make the spread of infections too easy. Even under normal conditions, cruise ships use significant disinfecting agents to prevent the spread of disease. Recently, on the ship I was aboard, the disinfecting cleansing and use of hand sanitizer and hand washing were intensified. It seemed to work.

Funding for Research to Defeat COVID-19

More money spent on studying the disease. We can learn whether getting the virus and recovering builds up sufficient immunity to prevent reinfection as well as other aspects of the virus. Rapid development of a new vaccine is likely.

Silver linings:

Despite the problems COVID-19 creates, there are some useful lessons it is teaching us.

China Relations

  1. The Chinese government demonstrated that totalitarian governments lie about critical health issues. Decisions support political goals rather than public health.
  2. The Chinese government encouraged Potemkin factories. Like fraudulent Potemkin villages in Czarist Russia, the recent factory production “after” shutting down from the virus is a fraud. Many enterprises ran their equipment to show electricity use. That kept government regulators off their backs even though they were not actually producing anything. Monitoring electricity use is easy for regulators and reporters compared to visiting factories.
  3. US/China trade, already impacted by Trump trade negotiations, should shift to countries other than China. It will be too risky a place for business. Manufacturers will seek to diversify their supply chains and manufacturing locations. Free trade is generally good, but trade with an enemy like China has bad side effects like intellectual property theft, forced technology transfers, and national security risks.
  4. The way the Chinese government controls people during the virus outbreak shows just how totalitarian it is.
  5. Looking at the COVID-19 infection maps shows China’s most significant trade partners. The United States can update strategic trade planning accordingly. This will minimize security risks. Who would have guessed northern Italy was so intertwined with China?

Other Benefits

  1. Perhaps we will get more transparency and improvements in aircraft air circulation and purification. That would be helpful in general.
  2. Remote learning replacing traditional education in closed school buildings will show how education can be dramatically less expensive than traditional schools. Maybe remote learning will catch on for K-12 and college even after the virus clears up.
  3. We can be amazed and amused at how much some people will overpay for something like toilet paper or hoard it to deal with COVID-19. Shame on Amazon, E-Bay, and Walmart for spoiling our fun by banning some sellers! Cross reference panic, poor judgment, and media hype (rather than useful information). People foolishly paying these outrageous prices should be allowed to complain only if they give up the right to vote and be on juries. Who do you want electing a government or deciding guilt and innocence?

Long Term Trade Shifts Away from China

Let’s hope corporate financial and operations planners have long memories. The best thing that could happen is shifting investment and production from China. Trade with freer countries that are not trying to overpower us militarily is better. The moral and financial benefits are an added bonus. Reducing foreign investment in China will help to show the inherent weakness of a totalitarian state and leave it less money for military spending.

Big Government Puts Politics Before Human Life

Illness is nothing to celebrate. However, the callous way that China risked infecting its own population as well as the rest of the world should be a good lesson for those pushing trade with hostile, unfree countries. It should also humble anyone wanting a dominant role for a central government on health care.

Remember Lessons After Disease Threat Ends

With some luck, the dramatic response to isolate COVID-19 will cause it to die out quickly. People will avoid infections and severe symptoms . But let’s not forget about shifting trade to freer countries once the virus stops spreading and everyone recovers.

The post Coronavirus COVID-19 is Ill Wind appeared first on Western Free Press.

Fatal Dependence: Comparing Israel and the New Palestinians

Old City of Jerusalem

Fernando Alcoforado’s dissertation, “Radicalism Palestinian not justify genocide in Gaza,” was published on Academia.com despite its numerous inaccuracies.  I am not surprised.  Whether devoid of ethics or in support of a political agenda, their published material can be fallacious and unreliable.

The writer’s title alone revisits the Palestinians’ false accusations of genocide by Israelis.  Substantial documentation produced by Doctors Without Borders has shown that massacres, as in Jenin, were staged with corpses exhumed from nearby cemeteries.   We know that UNRWA’s schools teach hate and violence against Jews and Israel, Palestinian women and children are used as human shields at rocket-launching sites, and children are used to ignite and float explosive balloons and for constructing terror tunnels  – dangerous and deadly activities.  This is not genocide, but child abuse and human sacrifice, where leadership and families weaponize their children for an interminable war.  And when the children are martyred, their parents are paid handsomely by Hamas/PA.

Alcoforado shrewdly inserted that Gaza has existed since Antiquity, insinuating that the Palestinians did likewise. Although the landmass has certainly existed since Ancient times, there was never a Palestinian state, people, government, monetary system, or culture until 1967.  After Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon attacked Israel and lost the war, those caught in the crossfire and trapped in Gaza were barred from returning to their native homelands.  They fabricated this attachment to the land, but the indigenous people of Israel are the Jews, also known as Hebrews and Israelites.

Our academic bemoans the Gazans’ suffering from a dearth of industry and a chronic water shortage.  We agree, but the reason lies firmly with the Palestinian Authority (PA) and can be characterized in one word, Dependence.   The PA receives, arguably, the highest level of aid in all the world, $540 million for 5 million people including succeeding generations, compared with, say, $113 million for Burundi’s 10 million people, or $304 million for Camaroon’s 23 million people.   Funds meant for providing enough electricity and infrastructure to run Gaza’s sewage system, water purification, construction, agriculture, healthcare delivery and essential medical supplies, are filtered through the fingers of the corrupt PA.  An unemployed population serves as the endless, expendable live ammunition in its war against Israel, but also as PA’s milch cow, so that their leadership may continue to live in grandeur.

The Jews were never tempted with dependence on others.  Notwithstanding overwhelming obstacles, Israel’s pioneers battled malaria to drain the swamps of Galilee, which then exposed the toxic peat beneath, resulting in the death of wildlife.  It took tenacity and commitment to nature and science for the Israelis to make the desert blossom again, and blossom it did.  The Arabs chose another course.

Despite its being 60% desert with a tenfold population increase since its founding, Israel has become a superpower in water management and conservation.  Their technology is now used 150+ countries, and they export $2.2 billion annually in water-related technology and water-intensive produce.  Because Israeli citizens are educated on conserving water, use desalinated sea water for drip irrigation, and treat and recycle nearly all sewage for crops, they are able to provide large amounts of water from their own supplies to Palestinians and the Kingdom of Jordan.

Surely, this could also be done in Gaza, but Palestinian leadership refuses to invest any of the massive aid to develop its own water infrastructure or repair its antiquated system, leading to enormous waste.  When Hamas’s rocket attacks on Israel damage Gaza’s pipes, Israel’s water authority makes the repairs. Israel supplies less water to Israeli communities in the disputed territories than is stipulated in the Oslo Accords and transfers the remaining quota to the Palestinians – who merely balk and bask in their victimhood, using the drought as an accusation to discredit Israel to the UN.

When Gaza was under Hamas rule, only 10 percent of the West Bank had modern plumbing in June 1967, but today 96 percent of West Bank Palestinians have clean, safe water piped to their homes in Israel.  Contrarily, Gaza’s water crisis continues because Hamas uses the international funding for its war against Israel.  If Israel were to withdraw from the West Bank as Alcoforado suggests, it would leave Israel in far more peril.  After 1400 years of violence and bloodshed, it would be insanity to believe that Muslims would live in peace based on this researcher’s recommendations.

Our scholar rues the overcrowded conditions in Gaza, one of the most populace places on the map, blaming Israelis, when their countries of origin – Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria – should have accepted their return instead of leaving them hostage.  Their cultures keep them imbued with resentment and hate, without incentive for making improvements.   Is this inevitable in overcrowded societies?

Consider Brooklyn, New York, the most populous borough, second-most populous county in the US, and a thriving hub of entrepreneurship and high technology start-up firms – a sign of happy lives with no children primed for suicide missions.  The differences are largely a matter of choice and culture.  Israel has held the honors of 5th through 11thhappiest nation over the years; none of the tyrannical 57 Islamic member states even remotely qualifies for the list. Alcoforado joins the PA’s futile efforts to delegitimize Israel while the biased UN continues to fund $1.3 billion and train Palestinians to pursue legal advocacy against the one UN member, Israel.

Whether deceived or brazenly deceitful, Alcoforado states that Palestine, “a British protectorate [until 1948], began to have a growing Jewish population.”  He flouts the 3,000 years of continuous Jewish presence in Israel, one of the few ancient peoples to survive into modern times, and Judaism being among the world’s oldest living religions.  He omits the history of the Jews who bought neglected, uncultivated swampland or sand dunes from absentee Arab landowners in the mid-1800s to create agricultural colonies,  undeterred by backbreaking work and illnesses – as reported to the League of Nations in 1921.

The critic conveniently reports half-truths, asserting that the establishment of a free Jewish state resulted in growing populations of Jews only, failing to mention the Christians, Muslims, and other groups that flourished simultaneously.  Israelis developed thriving farms and urban life, industry, power plants, social institutions, universities and the Palestine Orchestra that became the Israeli Philharmonic. They restored their ancient language, Hebrew, and a rich culture.  They restored their national independence and welcomed and absorbed the successive waves of returning immigrants and refugees (many fleeing Arab countries).  Arabs in Israel appreciated the development and higher standard of living until Haj Amin al-Husseini began fomenting riots (1929),  committing massacres and rapes, beheadings, torture and mutilation.  It is fair and honest to say that Arabs live better in Israel than in any Islamic country and, when offered the choice of Israeli or Palestinian citizenship, they invariably choose the former.

Alcoforado vaguely observes, ,“There were clashes between Arabs and Jews,” but the attackers were Arabs.   Likewise, he added, “Both Israelis and Palestinians claimed this share of the land based on history, religion, and culture,” but Jewish history, religion and culture go back more than 3,000 years, whereas the Palestinians appeared in 1967, and their tenuous Islamic attachment goes back no further than the 7th century of Mohammed.  Even the Koran attests that the land was given to the Jews forever (5:21).

“You will find very clearly,” says Sheik Dr Muhammad Al-Husseini, “that the traditional commenters from the eighth and ninth century onwards have uniformly interpreted the Koran to say explicitly that Eretz Yisrael has been given by God to the Jewish people as a perpetual covenant.  There is no Islamic counterclaim to the land anywhere in the traditional corpus of commentary.”   The term, “Palestinian” was an insulting term conferred by the Romans on a Roman Empire outpost to which the Judean Jews were exiled.

Today’s Palestinians have no culture inimitable to them before 1967.  Their governance was the Ottomans.  Their monetary system, established by the 1994 Paris Protocol, is tied to the rates of Jordan, the U.S., and Israel.  There are no discoveries of ancient artifacts to verify any but the Hebrews’ existence.  Their religion is Islam, their common language Arabic with some French.  Their own music emerged after 1948.  Their “traditional dress,” not traceable beyond 1922, may be attributed to the Arab or Bedouin.

Continually troubled by the “mass migration of Jews from various countries to Palestine,” Alcoforado excludes the context of their return to their Biblical native land and that many had been first fleeced before their expulsion from surrounding Arab countries.

On the other hand, Arab migration is a fulfillment of hegira, “departure,” the migration or journey that fulfills Mohammed’s example of “civilizational jihad.”  Mohammed migrated with intent to establish a new base of operations from which to conquer and rule; today’s jihadis do so with intent of populating and dominating new lands.  Where they cannot advance with weaponry, they can colonize and transform the society, by stealth or violence, to change the demographics, legal systems and governments of their objective – global submission to sharia and the reestablishment of a caliphate to rule accordingly.  Fifty-seven Islamic states have succumbed; Israel, Europe, and the United States are obviously on the Islamic agenda. President Obama assured us of such a fundamental transformation.

If Alcoforado sincerely believes there can be peace with Palestinians, he is gravely underinformed and ill-informed.  If he speaks on behalf of the Palestinians, as his surname suggests, he has written pure deception, taqiyyah, and it should not be peddled as academic.

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Saying No to the Invasion of Europe


The inundation of Europe with Muslim migrants intent on permanent settlement is unprecedented in world history.  Europe, which has accepted vast numbers of the migrants, has become an epicenter of Islamic terrorism replete with alarming levels of migrant crime, including Muslim sex slave gangs and sharia-controlled “no-go” zones.  Faced with this reality, four Central European countries — Hungary, Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia — have adamantly refused to accept Muslim refugees, earning criticism from the European community and prosecution by the European Court of Justice.

But now, with Turkey threatening to open its border and inundate Greece with thousands more Muslim refugees, the European community appears to have paused in its ongoing acceptance of migrants and pledged to protect Greece’s border.  It illustrates the threat that has existed from the beginning from the mass movement of Muslims from the Middle East and North Africa.

Some view the migration as a “humanitarian crisis” and call critics “xenophobes” or “racists” who lack compassion.  Others question the motivation for the sudden refugee onslaught and ask why Europe must shoulder responsibility and absorb the mass exodus when proximate, affluent Muslim countries have not offered assistance.  They see, instead, a planned invasion or hijra, a 1,400-year-old Islamic doctrine modeled after Mohammed’s migration from Mecca to Medina.  It is designed to subvert and subdue non-Muslim societies and pave the way for total Islamization, in this case, of all Europe.

It began in 1990, when the U.N. high commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) established a liaison with the European Union (E.U.) and its executive branch, the European Commission (E.C.), to monitor the asylum and migration process.  This led to resolutions and recommendations on refugee policies by the European Council, heads of state of E.U. member-nations that determine overall E.U. political priorities.

In 2015, E.C. president Jean-Claude Juncker unveiled a proposal to redistribute Muslim refugees flooding Europe to all E.U. member-states.  The European Council followed with a plan that gave refugees the right to settle in E.U. member-states based on each country’s economic and demographic circumstances.  All were required to participate, with substantial fines to be imposed against countries that rejected refugees.

The E.C. edict was particularly problematic for the Visegrád (V4) countries — Hungary, Poland, Czechia and Slovakia, four Central European countries with a combined population of 64 million, constituting the fifth largest economy in Europe.  Unlike the rest of Europe, they had only recently recovered their sovereignty after suffering under the Iron Curtain and resisted delegating power to a central authority.  They balked at the E.U. refugee resettlement policy, unwilling to jeopardize national security and their cultural and religious traditions.  The V4 countries clearly identified the stark reality facing the continent.  They recognized that the asylum-seekers were infiltrated by ISIS and other terrorist groups, included refugees resistant to assimilation, and represented a drain on national resources.  The countries preferred to provide aid to migrants in or near their countries of origin.

Polish leader Dominik Tarczynski affirmatively stated that Poland would not accept a single Muslim illegal migrant.  He proudly points to his country’s record of safety — not one Islamic terrorist attack.  Tarczynski has compared Muslim immigrants to Polish immigrants, pointing out that “zero Poles” have blown themselves up in any country in the world for their religion or out of hatred.  Deflecting charges of “racism” and “nationalism,” he defends his policy that has protected his countrymen.  For this, he has been vilified by E.U. leadership.

Tarczynski acknowledges that Poland has taken in two million Christian Ukrainians, but he defends himself against charges of “Islamophobia” by plainly stating that Poland chooses to be a Christian country free of the problems facing the rest of Europe struggling with Muslim migration.  His country is not responsible for conflicts in Syria or Iraq, he has said, and has pointed out that wealthy Arab countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, well equipped to accept Muslim refugees, do nothing to help their co-religionists.

Government officials from Hungary, Czechia, and Slovakia have all adopted similar restrictions.

Current V4 leader and Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán has maintained that the “refugee crisis” is a well funded, well organized invasion and that NGOs are serving as human-smuggling groups.  According to Orbán, Hungarian intelligence discovered that 95% of the migrants were military-age men in military-style group movements.  Few are innocent women and children who suddenly appear when the media are present.  Orbán has financed a “Hungary Helps Project,” which provides aid directly to churches and charities to assist migrants to remain in their own countries.  The funds are earmarked for persecuted Christians, a population typically ignored by other governments and the media.

For the past five years, the V4 have remained at the forefront of an effort to stem massive Muslim migration into Europe.  They have collectively refused to accept any compulsory long-term refugee resettlement quotas set by the E.U. and notably remain virtually unaffected in a continent rife with Islamic terrorist attacks and sharia-compliant no-go zones.

In 2017, the European Commission took Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and charged them with breaking E.U. law by refusing to accept asylum-seekers under the E.U.’s mandatory migration quotas.  The three countries were criticized for reaping the benefits of the union while failing to meet their humanitarian and political responsibilities.  The ECJ denied that legitimate security concerns existed and cited legal obligations to follow E.U. policies.

Leaders in Hungary, Poland, and Czechia responded that their security and cultural cohesion were threatened by the E.U.’s refugee plan and denied that legal grounds existed to impose such quotas.  The ECJ will rule on the matter later this year.

So it stood until just recently, when Turkey opened its border to Greece and threatened Europe with the arrival of several million refugees.  Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey’s president, threatened the invasion following the E.U.’s lack of support for Turkey’s military incursion into northern Syria.  Thousands of so-called asylum-seekers from Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Morocco, and several East African countries have traveled to the Turkish border in recent days.  President Erdoğan has gone so far as to make a formal announcement about the open border and supply buses and maps to facilitate the latest crossings, despite a 2016 agreement with the E.U. to prevent refugees from illegally entering Europe.  Greek authorities claim that Turkish soldiers have used wire-cutters to open the borders and that Turkish police have provided the “refugees” with tear gas canisters to be used against Greek police blocking their passage.  Reports from Greece also allege that freed prisoners have been escorted to the E.U. border in Turkish police cars and that Turkey has deployed 1,000 policemen to halt any pushback of migrants.

All this has sorely tested the E.U.’s tolerance for the migrant problem, and government officials are condemning the onslaught.  They have agreed to help Greece and mobilize a Frontex force to protect the border.  Suddenly, the Greek border is a European border, and the E.U. is expressing solidarity with the rest of the continent and a willingness to mobilize the necessary operational support to fortify the defensive actions of the Greek authorities.

It remains to be seen if this new development represents a volte face of the E.U.’s 2015 policy on refugee resettlement or is a temporary moratorium to slow the tide of migrants into Europe.  It certainly lends credence to the Visegrád Group’s characterization of Muslim migration as an invasion and a serious threat to Europe’s way of life.

The post Saying No to the Invasion of Europe appeared first on Western Free Press.

Petition To Hold China Accountable Gains Steam Overnight


A petition to investigate China amid their lack of transparency surrounding the Wuhan coronavirus has already been signed by thousands of Americans overnight.

The petition, which was created by grassroots national security organization ACT For America is now up to over 10,000 signatures and will be delivered to the White House, members of congress and the Department of Homeland security—along with the case to hold China accountable.

Ever since Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian baselessly suggested the U.S. Army could have been responsible for the coronavirus, the American public’s frustrations with China have increased.

ACT For America Communications Director R.C. Maxwell said the organization launched the petition to galvanize Americans into focusing their attention on China.

“Americans cannot rely on the UN, the WHO or the global community at large to hold China accountable for this situation. Instead of demanding answers from China, certain members of Congress would rather dedicate floor time to discussing the impact racism has on Chinese-owned businesses in the States, so it’s going to take action like this to wake our elected officials up.”

Maxwell is referring to Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Massachusetts), who gave an impassioned speech on Republicans referring to the virus—which originated in Wuhan, as “Wuhan virus.”

Early on, stories of China silencing and intimidating anyone who spoke about the virus were circulating on social media and recently it’s been reported that the Chinese government deleted lab work and samples which would have been key to saving lives.

Despite the mounting criticism of China, there is a movement pushing back against this blame—mostly composed of the Chinese government, the American media elite, and progressive Democrats.

They say that petitions like the one launched by ACT For America will only further xenophobia toward Asians.

When asked about these concerns, Maxwell responded by saying “We can’t respond to every atrocity by first wondering how solutions will upset people with minority-studies degrees.”

Christopher Chesny

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Humiliation, a Pretext for Murder

barbed wire jerusalem view

I discovered a paper by the accomplished social scientist, Dr. Evelin Lindner, regarding her theory that the humiliation of a people may cause them to react in anger.  The summary by Brett Reeder, Conflict Research Consortium, of “Making Enemies: Humiliation and International Conflict,” confirmed that this was, indeed, her intent.  However, a violent reaction is by no means inevitable, but a matter of choice, and by broadcasting her assumption, she has merely provided another excuse for claiming victimhood.

By the third paragraph, it had become apparent that there would be the accusations I’d come to expect.  With a deft twist, the authoress had crafted two unproven theories as facts in order to support her beliefs. Her first statement, not in quotes by Reeder, was:

The Versailles Treaty’s treatment of Germany after World War I is widely believed to have been a major impetus for the rise of Hitler and World War II.

Widely believed may be credible, but not factual.  Can anyone seriously posit that, had the Treaty been more reasonable, Hitler would not have risen to power?  His belief in the innate superiority of the Aryan race and its destiny to rule the world would have supplied sufficient impetus for such an amoral megalomaniac.  Guided by his personality, Hitler made a choice.

One error invariably unleashes another, and Lindner applies her humiliation-causes-anger theory to the Arab-Israeli situation:

The treatment of Jews in the Holocaust certainly contributed to Israelis’ feelings of victimhood, which is manifested, in part, by their humiliating treatment of Palestinians.

It is offensive to suggest that humiliated Holocaust survivors vented their anger on the Palestinians, but more notable is that she portrayed the first two groups, Nazis and Jews, as humiliated-turned-aggressor, but Palestinians as humiliated-remaining-passive.   A theory cannot be credible if it lacks consistency.  The good doctor displays her bias in favor of the Palestinians and against the Jews.

History has shown the Palestinians to be violent, not passive, and the question is whether their violence can be traced to alleged humiliation by the Israelis.  To do so, she had to overlook Islam’s entire 1400-year history of expansionism, atrocities, enslavement, rape and bloodshed in every nation they invaded, killing more than  669 million people.  The Palestinian heritage is Islam, and the writer ignored the innumerable pogroms against the Jews, the Armenians, and others before Israel’s sovereignty in 1948.  The Muslim attackers were neither humiliated by Israel nor passive.

Oddly, Lindner said, “humiliation destroys everything in its path,” and it “brings about depression and victimhood.”  However, despite the trials of centuries and the harsh rules under which Jews have been forced to live, they did not succumb to humiliation with anger and war, but spent their lives improving their lot.  They held fast to their identity, faith, morality, and God’s promise of returning to Zion. They comforted each other through the Inquisition, ghetto confinement, pogroms and concentration camps; and once liberated, rebuilt their vibrant country out of desert and malarial swamp.  The small country’s exceptional success reflects their confidence and innovation, energy and industry, not victimhood and humiliation. Life is a gift to be treasured, not squandered.  Given the choices of sanity and madness, the Jews chose the former.  Further, their countless offers of peace to the Palestinians indicate magnanimity, not the bitterness of past humiliation.

Victimhood is a choice that the Palestinians continue to make because it garners cash and sympathy from the world.  Israel recently delivered hundreds of coronavirus-detection kits to Gaza, but Palestinian leaders chose to foster their victimhood by concealing that help from their own and the international community and to condemn Israel for their heightened death toll.

The Palestinians elected to not to build their own country concurrently when the Jews were rebuilding theirs, during the same time and climatic conditions – although the Arabs had the oil money and funds from Europe, America, Israel and UNWRA.  They chose the victim personae.

To verify Lindner’s views that Palestinian violence is caused by the Jews’ mistreatment of them, we must examine the cherished, savored victimhood of the Palestinians and recognize that, as with a painting’s canvas, the personality must also be primed.

Islam is the basis of the blame/shame culture in which Muslims, and Palestinians specifically, are raised.  The social and psychological phenomenon of humiliation is one in which the fault in a crime is attributed entirely to the victim.  This is a coping mechanism of transference, of rationalization, characteristic of borderline personality disorder.  It is found in cultures that produce jihadis, in the children’s early nonverbal communication, their psychotic attachment to their mother, play activities that reveal their traumatic early-life experiences, and their body language that communicates emotional instability, the sadism from their earliest terrors.

The jihadi (or female jihada) has often been described as having masochistic personality disorder,obtaining gratification from the persistent degradation by humiliation, self-sacrifice and indulgent misery, thus creating the victimization.  Described as an unconscious self-punishment that results from the damaged bond with the devalued, hated mother, the jihadi is capable of committing crimes against humanity.  In mass masochism, the jihadis fuse in a non-thinking, regressed group to commit crimes and sacrifice that the population celebrates, a form of mass hysteria. The Islamic antisemitism and terrorism are stabilized in the inherently fragile, violent jihadi personality.

These traits are clearly found among Gaza’s Palestinians.  The boy’s experiences are harsh. In the family of as many as four wives and multiple children to one husband, the sons are ignored by the father and raised among the women for his first seven years, when he terror-bonds with his mother and accepts her worthlessness. It is an atmosphere of envy and rivalry among the wives as well as the children.  When the father does takecontrol of his education, his mother has already exposed him to a painful betrayal, where he is raped and humiliated into submission by other men.  Despite the veneer of Islamic disgust about homosexuality, Arab poetry is replete with the joys of sodomy.

A boy’s friendships and education are strictly limited but they may come together as a group, faces covered, humiliation hidden, to take out their aggression on Mohammed’s sworn enemies, the Jews.  They work in unison when throwing rocks or incendiary missiles across Israel’s border.  Our social scientist, Lindner, appears oblivious of the ruinous upbringing experienced by the future jihadis, their eagerness for death and martyrdom, instead she attributes their violence to imagined humiliation by the Jews.

Neither is the daughter spared her own childhood nightmare.  In such a family unit, she experiences her own terror and distrust of her family when she undergoes Female Genital Mutilation.  The indignation of being restrained on a table while a stranger imposes on her privacy to inflict severe pain that negates her femaleness also brings her humiliation.  Raised in this household, forced into a loveless marriage to an older man and raped at will, the daughter, still in need of motherly nurturing, must be the mother to the numerous children.  Covered from head to toe, unseen by the world, restricted in her every move, can this be anything but humiliation?  From one generation to the next, the child terror-bonds with her mother, has no outlet for calm and affection, no education save memorization of the Koran, no expressions of art and music, no friends or courtships – and no credibility in a court of law if she seeks a way out.

The daughter has a role to play in the Islamic war against humanity.  She is responsible for creating more children for Allah’s army and martyrdom or to emulate the jihadi’s function.  The jihada is exemplified by Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, as well as by the exploits of female terrorists.  Yet we are to believe the Palestinian violence is caused by an outside source of humiliation. 

Ironically, Lindner inadvertently suggests that the Jews played no part in Palestinian humiliation, clarifying that humiliation is a hierarchal, ranking scale to maintaining social cohesion.  Israelis lives are filled with study and time spent in service to the country, and Israeli Arabs have the same opportunities.  They are encouraged to have a career, to marry and raise a family – the very activities not available to the Arab children of Gaza.  A successful neighbor can either inspire emulation or humiliation, the choice is given.

The Palestinians have been primed – humiliated by their culture and dishonest circumstances. The invading Arab nations were bent on Israel’s destruction, and encouraged and caused the bulk of the Arabs to flee Israel, telling them they would return victorious.  Now, after all they endured by their people, from their people, and for their people, the piece de resistance, the final slap-in-the-face, the grand humiliation occurred when their armies lost and these individuals were abandoned, discarded and forbidden from ever returning to their lands of origin – Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan.  While they saw that the Jews who fled mistreatment from Arab countries were welcomed by their Israeli brethren, how demeaning to be told that they were not wanted, must never more identify with their history, their heritage, and other family members.  They were going to be used once again, as pawns.  With no distinguishing language, religion, or culture, and no lineage to this land back more than four generations, they had to create an identity out of whole cloth. This was indeed the ultimate cause for humiliation, and it was their own kith and kin who did the humiliating.

The post Humiliation, a Pretext for Murder appeared first on Western Free Press.

Physician/Senator says CDC Death Certificate Guidelines Misleading

Dr./Senator Scott Jensen raises the alarm on inappropriate guidelines for tallying deaths from the Wuhan virus.  He states that they are misleading and result in the inflation of statistics.  Additionally, Dr. Jensen explains the vast difference of dying WITH or FROM a disease, especially since 98% of those infected with the Chinese virus recover.
The guidelines for death certificates for the coronavirus state: “In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID cannot be made but is suspected or likely (e.g. the circumstances are compelling with a reasonable degree of certainty) it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed.'”
“The idea that we are going to allow people to massage and sort of game the numbers is a real issue because we are going to undermine the [public] trust,” he said. “And right now as we see politicians doing things that aren’t necessarily motivated on fact and science, their trust in politicians is already wearing thin.”

An important timeline of statements to keep in mind from the CDC’s Dr. Fauci on the Wuhan virus outbreak in the U.S.:

February 21st:  Fauci said there was “nothing to worry about.”

February 29th:  Fauci said there was no reason to social distance, to go to malls, theaters…

March 9th:  Fauci said that there was “no reason healthy people shouldn’t go on cruises.”
AND, Trump is being blamed by the enemedia, Demoncrat politicians and crazed celebrities for Chinese virus deaths!
Read and watch the video with Dr./Senator Scott Jensen:

The post Physician/Senator says CDC Death Certificate Guidelines Misleading appeared first on Western Free Press.

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